Monday, July 2, 2018

And Summer Rushes On

Ok, I'm keeping up with the kids so far. We've been sleeping in late, and going on little day trips. I've been trying to find some time for myself too, which ends up being very late at night. I'll write a bit, and/or read a bit, but by that time of day, it doesn't last long. But I'm getting by. Hell, it's already July. The school light is shining bright at the end of the tunnel. And right now, I'll be sad to see the kids go back. We're having fun.

Friday we went to Gloucester, MA. We usually hit up Wingaersheek Beach, but the place was already full by the time we arrived. So the guy at the gate told us about Stage Fort Beach. Never head of it. My daughter taps the address into the iPhone GPS and we're off. I've got to say, Stage Fort is the most beautiful park I've seen in years. There's a pretty little valley that melts into the sea. A pristine white gazebo tops one hill, beside a giant boulder that displays a huge bronze plaque. The State of Massachusetts was actually founded at this place. The beaches are small and tucked into little coves between the massive rocks. There's a baseball diamond, like the New England version of Field of Dreams. There's antique playground equipment, that I love, which is made of wood and stainless steel. And there's the updated plastic play stuff as well. Nice bathrooms too. Free parking. The place had it all.

The weekend flew by, and then today, Monday, was another challenge. How could we top that awesome beach/park? Well, first we hit up Wegman's, the coolest grocery store in the area. Cool with turbo air conditioning, and stocked with a fantastic lunch buffet to keep the kids happy. Then we went mini golfing. Pretty fun, right? I got two hole-in-ones! Two! Man, I was feeling it. Then we bought a bucket of balls and littered the driving range. I'm really not sure what my problem is swinging a golf club. I can clobber a ball better than I ever have, but I have no range. Like, I hit a ball with a 3-iron it goes 200 yards. Then I pick up a Wedge and it goes 200 yards. A driver too, whatever. Two-hundred yards. Meanwhile, my daughter has never swung a club, and she's holding the damn thing like a hockey stick. My son rifles through the bucket faster than anybody, and he's begging for more balls. "Next time let's get the Jumbo bucket, dad." Will do.

We came home, walked the dog, helped out with my daughter's paper route, and then popped the old tent. Gotta air that thing out for camping next week, baby! That's right, We're gonna have fun celebrating the Fourth at home, and then all next week, we're camping. Unplugging the devices all the way. Five nights, me and the kids, sleeping in a tent, just outside of Stowe, VT. My wife is not coming with us. She is not insane. But I'm looking forward to it. Better get the camping list started now.


What else? I'm drawing a bank here. I better get some sleep.

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