Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Kaepernick and Nike

One of the most polarizing topics in America right now... Kaepernick and his Nike ad. Full disclosure here, I'm totally a supporter of Kaepernick, Nike, and the freedom of speech. He got America's attention, didn't he? Made a statement? That's what the freedom of speech is all about.

And I must say, I've been to ballgames my whole life, and always stood for the anthem. But when I stood up, I thought the song represented the general sense of pride in our country. I'm standing because I'm proud to be an American. Then something changed. Now the song is strictly for veterans. It's only their anthem, and if you don't stand for veterans, then you are spitting on their graves. Really? How did that happen? I think the polarization has led to exaggeration. And now people are burning perfectly good sneakers...

My dear aunt recently visited from the midwest, where things are more conservative. My late uncle was a great guy, and a vet, and she is still very supportive of veteran causes. She is also very active on Facebook. We discussed the whole Kaepernick conspiracy, even before the Nike deal went public. She said Kaepernick ruined the NFL, her favorite sport. That the ratings were down and it was all Kaepernick's fault. I politely argued that Facebook is full of shit. That NFL viewership declined due to brain injury worries, and constant drawn-out replay reviews, which destroyed the tempo of the game. And she said, "What about the veterans? It's their song!" I shook my head and shrugged.

Is there a better time during a football game to protest? How about laying down during the coin toss? No, that's not gonna work. How about kneeling during the last five seconds of the song? Still too disrespectful, she thought. Then we laughed. We agreed that somebody smarter than us should have solved all this by now. That it was all a big misunderstanding, which could have easily been diffused... by an intelligent president.

Yep, sorry folks, but this problem is yet another one that is landing squarely on the idiot shoulders of Trump. The guy is awful, and he's throwing gasoline on the fire. It's his fault the demonstration began, and now it's his fault it got even bigger. Me and my aunt totally agreed on the fact that he is the most incompetent president in history. The country is a polarized mess. Truly an embarrassment. A shameful time in this country.

I can't write this anymore. What's the point? Another complaint online about Trump. Blah blah. Add it to the millions. It doesn't matter.

Kaepernick's work does matter though. He's keeping politics in the people's hands, even if he's ridiculed and hated. Keep up the good work, Colin. And cheers to you too, Nike, for sticking your neck out for a good cause. Kaepernick is on the correct side of history. And if the swoosh becomes the new symbol of political activism, then so be it. I'll buy two.

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