I'm over the hill! Yes! That's a good thing. Of course, I'm not talking about age. This is a writing blog. I'm talking about writing, duh. I've been trying for months to get another novel going. And I've failed, and failed, and failed. Everytime I get to about 20,000 words the story gets stuck. Over thinking. Writer's block. Loss of confidence. Loss of momentum. Whatever it is. The story just shuts down and gathers dust. And I start over.
But not today. I've broken through the bullshit block. My current story exceeded 30,000 words today and it's accelerating with no end in sight. Sure, I'll have to cut thousands from the begining. Sure, I'll have to rewrite, remove, and reorganize everything for months and months. But the flow is back, baby! I haven't felt it in so long and it feels great. Go, go, go!
Now I'm getting superstitious. Will this blog jinx my flow? Will the story drop dead now that I let the secret out? Wait, what secret? You don't even know the plot or anthing! Bah ha ha ha ha! I still have the upper hand. Yes! The words are flowing. Accelerating! And I'm laughing, screaming, and crying all the way down the hill. Meet you at the end, wherever that may be...?
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