Friday, October 5, 2018

Joining The Treasure Hunt

I've finally joined the ranks of the internet sales business. I offered up my first item on eBay just now. The posting received 5 views in less than a second. I'm thinking this baby will go viral. The auction will get out of hand, and the bidding will fund my kids' college tuition.

Actually, if I make any money off of the sale, it will be a bonus. I don't even own the item, but an older neighbor friend, John, who doesn't have regular access to the internet, asked me to sell it for him. And we're splitting the bounty 50/50.

The piece for sale is a beautiful old tapestry in a solid wood frame. It's really quite pretty when you look close. I've never seen anything quite like it. John has tons of other items to sell too, so if this works out, we'll try selling more. His old house is currently being cleaned out, and he's hoarding all kinds of antiques, so they don't end up in the dumpster.

Here's the listing

John gave me a couple of 24 x 36 frames too. Both frames held some 1955 advertising from a Pontiac Dealership. The posters were warn and wavy, and showed Native Americans making totem poles. The wooden frames alone are gorgeous, and I'm thinking of buying a Shepard Fairy print to hang on the wall.

I took the frames home and opened them to see if there was an old Declaration of Independence waiting for me behind the Pontiac posters. No such luck. But the idea of it made my daughter and I laugh.

That's all eBay is, right? It's one big treasure hunt. People trying to sell, and make money. While others try to find a deal, that will be worth really big bucks someday.

There is a longing for treasure in everybody. Not sure why, but it's been there since the legends of the Golden Fleece, and the Fountain of Youth. That treasure hunt lives today online, and I'm all in, baby. What else is there to sell around here?

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