Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Bus Bullies

My son came home talking about the trouble with the school bus. He was pretty bent out of shape. Not crying or anything, but I could tell something was bothering him.

"I'm done taking the bus," he said, "Kids are picking on me."

Oh no, I thought. I instantly imagined two big 4th grade boys with ugly, snotty noses and dirty, tattered clothes.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Um, I think their names are Carly, and Mackenzie, and Lucy."

Three girls? Really? My tough little first grader can't handle that? They must be older, right?

"How old are they?" I asked.

"Um, One is in first grade, the other two are in kindergarten."

Joey! Come on! I thought. Two kindergartners are picking on you? How bad can it be?

My daughter, Lainey, chimed in with a grin, "They just like you Joe."

"NO! They hit me and sit on me," Joey argued.

"Oh, yeah, they like you," Lainey giggled.

"They don't!" Joe yelled.

"You tell the bus driver?" I asked.

"Yeah, but they still hit me."

"Not sure what to tell you buddy," I said, "That's the problem with being irresistible. Get used to it."

Lainey laughed at that one, but I'm not sure Joey knew what I meant.

When my wife got home later that night, I brought up the bus conflict.

"Kindergarten girls?" she exclaimed.

"Yes!" Joey affirmed.

"They better stop picking on you Joe," she said, "Or I'm gonna call the principal."

"Okay, fine," Joey shrugged.

No such action has been taken... yet. Hopefully Joey can work it out on his own. I'm still having a hard time imagining his opponent as that scary of a foe. But that's my own gender bias, perhaps. I too have met some annoying females in my day. I'm pulling for you, Joe. You can do this.

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