Friday, December 14, 2018

When Writing Dies

It's the most wonderful time of the year... really? Maybe for all those Christmas lovers, and the retail business, but not for writers. December is when every spare moment of my free time is taken up with shopping, texting about gifts, making plans, and, my favorite, pre-reading the books I'm gifting. However, there is virtually zero time to write.

And I must say, I'm a bit of a humbug this year. The Christmas Carols on the radio just aren't making me smile. I can't get into the holiday vibe at all.

That said, I do think I'm killing it this year, gift wise. Found some great books for my kids. And I've also come up with some perfect gifts, which involves making them myself. I'm painting a canvas for my nephew, designing a shirt for my niece, and creating a special wooden picture frame for my mom. So at least the creative juices are flowing, although not so much on the keyboard.

I'm looking forward to those super boring months (January, Feb, March) when there is absolute shit-else to do, and I can dive into my latest novel idea.

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